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Online Shopping: Making It Work For You

    In recent years, online shopping has exploded in popularity. We can buy just about anything online from books to airline tickets to groceries to houses to the latest fashions. While the experience of going to a brick-and-mortar store appeals to some, it is becoming apparent that inventories in our favorite stores are down and many are expanding their online presence or going out of business.

    1. Know what you’re looking for and set a budget.
    2. Shop from reputable websites and read reviews before making a purchase.
    3. Check for discount codes and compare prices across different sites.
    4. Make sure you’re buying from a secure site and use a credit card or PayPal for added protection.
    5. Keep track of your orders and check for delivery updates.
    6. Take advantage of free shipping offers and consider signing up for loyalty programs.
    7. Be aware of return policies and make sure you can return or exchange items if necessary.
    8. Stay vigilant against scams and phishing attempts.
    9. Consider using a virtual private network (VPN) to protect your personal information while shopping online.
    10. Remember to take breaks and avoid overspending.